Are you a graduate or postgraduate student seeking scholarships, fellowships, or programs to advance your academic and professional goals? Look no further! We’ve curated a list of 25 incredible opportunities currently open to help you achieve your dreams. Whether you’re looking to fund your studies, gain research experience, or expand your skills, these programs are tailored to support your journey. Don’t miss out—explore and apply today!

1.Türkiye Scholarships 2025 for International Students (Fully Funded) 

Apart from providing education opportunities at an international caliber as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience, Türkiye offers scholarships to international students from all over the world to study in the most prestigious universities in Türkiye.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 20

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2. AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy 2025. 

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington DC, USA, and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, are seeking candidates to participate in the annual summer course on science diplomacy to be held on 21-24 July 2025 in person in Trieste, Italy.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 23

3. UNEP Certificate Course on Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience 2025. 

In this online course, UNEP and environmental experts from around the world will provide you with answers to questions about Nature-based solutions, reaching out to you, to planners, policy makers, engineers, businesses, and youth. This is an opportunity for you to join a community of learners and environmental advocates.
Click here to apply | Deadline: Ongoing

4. Christopher Kolade Foundation SHE Soars Scholarship for Nigerians 2024/2025. 

The SHE Soars Scholarship Program, launched in 2019, offers a unique blend of financial assistance and mentorship to female graduates of Nigerian public secondary schools who have secured admission into Nigerian public universities. This holistic approach not only alleviates the financial burden of higher education but also equips scholars with the skills, networks, and confidence needed to excel in their chosen fields.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 17, 2025

5. Florence Agogo Foundation Scholarship 2025. 

This scholarship aims to support financially disadvantaged university students enrolled in public universities in Nigeria. The Florence Agogo Foundation is borne out of a desire to contribute a little bit to making the world a better place.

Click here to apply | Deadline: January 19

6. SME Education Foundation Scholarship 2025. 

For more than 40 years, the SME Education Foundation has been a leader in supporting the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent. The scholarship program awards millions of dollars to hundreds of graduating high school seniors and current college students pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree in manufacturing, engineering or related discipline.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 1

7. Richard J. Van Loon Scholarship 2025 at Carleton University.

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Richard J. Van Loon Scholarship Committee to an outstanding international student from an African country. Eligible recipients will be full-time students proceeding from one year to another in any program of study at Carleton University. Consideration will be given to students in financial need.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 1, 2025

8. Lagos State Science Research and Innovation Council (LASRIC) STEM Challenge 2025. 

LASRIC Is looking for fund-ready solutions that help students deepen their STEM knowledge. The solutions should be applicable to students from Primary Schools to the tertiary level.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 31

9. Moving Minds Alliance Research Fellowship Program 2025- 2026.

The Moving Minds Alliance Research Fellowship Program supports local researchers in the Global South to carry out studies on issues related to young children (aged 0-8 years) and their caregivers in emergency contexts.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 16

10. ESC Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025. 

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) invites applications for their ESC PostdoctoralFellowships to be based at South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP) institutions, which includes the University of Bath.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 20

11. Megatrends Afrika Project Fellowships 2025

Fellowships will be granted for a period of three months between March and October 2025, full-time. Fellows will conduct a research project independently or, if suitable, in collaboration with project team members or other IDOS, IfW and SW colleagues – and contribute one paper to the project’s publication series. All fellows are expected to participate in project meetings, events and other relevant activities of their host institution during their stay.
Click here to apply |  Deadline: January 15

12. WHO Incentive Grants for Young Researchers from LMICs 2025. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Noncommunicable Disease Platform, in collaboration with the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, and the World Medical Association, is pleased to invite proposals from individual researchers who are enrolled in accredited academic institutions and conduct research projects as part of their graduate degree requirements.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 31

13. Africa Health Collaborative Research Fund 2025. 

The key aim of the Health Collaborative Research Fund 2025 is to encourage and provide initial support for the development/expansion of high-quality research activities for Early Career Researchers(ECR) enabling principal investigators to subsequently apply for funding to support the next phase of their joint research that will result in greater impact. Click here to  apply | Deadline: February 19

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14. Google Research Scholar Program 2025. 

The Research Scholar Program aims to support early-career professors who are pursuing research in fields relevant to Google. The Research Scholar Program provides unrestricted gifts to support research at institutions around the world and is focused on funding world-class research conducted by early-career professors.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 27

15. Google DeepMind Research Ready Programme 2025

The University of Exeter, in collaboration with Google DeepMind, proudly presents the Research Ready Programme – a unique eight- week paid summer internship designed to empower students to excel in the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI). This programme is your chance to work on cutting-edge research projects, develop advanced technical skills, and build a network of connections with world-class researchers and leaders.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 20

16. Ashton Award for Student Research 2025. 

The Ashton Award for Student Research supports investigations by graduate and advanced undergraduate students working on Asian tropical forest biology. The Ashton Award for Student Research is made possible by the generosity of Professor Peter Ashton and his wife Mary Ashton through the Peter and Mary Ashton Training Fund.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 1

17. Council for Innovation Promotion (C4IP) Grants for Intellectual Property Research, Scholarship & Writings 2025. 

The C4IP is committed to providing data-driven recommendations for intellectual property policy. To that end, C4IP plans to support original, empirically-grounded research through this grant program. While all eligible researchers are encouraged to apply, C4IP welcomes collaboration between legal academia and other areas of social science or economic research and researchers outside of legal academia to apply.
Click here to apply | Deadline: Unspecified

18.  Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) Photo Contest 2024. 

The theme, “The Future of Farming: Pathways to Carbon-Neutral Agriculture,” of the 18th Photo Contest of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), is timely as agriculture face many challenges.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 15

19. ZUKOnnect Fellowships 2025. 

The Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships support early career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America who are associated with one of the thirteen departments at the University of Konstanz.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 1

20. Institute for Law & Al’s Summer Research Fellowship 2025. 

The Institute for Law & Al’s (LawAl) Summer Research Fellowship (US) is a paid summer program that offers law students, professionals, and academics the opportunity to work at the leading edge of Al law and policy. The program is designed to support intellectual and professional development, combining tailored research mentorship with career planning and opportunities to engage with policymakers, researchers, and other leaders in the field.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 15

21.  JacobsFoundation Research Fellowship Program 2025.

 The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is a globally competitive fellowship 

program for early and mid-career researchers whose work is dedicated to improving the learning and development of children and youth worldwide. The relevant disciplines include, but are not limited to, education sciences, psychology, economics, sociology, behavioral science, computer science, pedagogy, linguistics, neurosciences, and science of learning.
Click here to apply |  Deadline: February 4

22. Garden Club of America (GCA) Summer Scholarship in Field Botany 2025. 

The program aims to support students’ field studies and offer an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience beyond the regular course of study. In the late 1990s, to help offset the trend of declining or consolidated botany programs at colleges and universities the Garden Club of America’s Scholarship Committee added a proposal for a summer scholarship in field botany to its list of possible new offerings. Beginning in 2000, Mrs. Henry Streeter, an ardent horticulturist and member of the North Shore Garden Club of Massachusetts, generously offered to fund this opportunity.
Click here to apply | Deadline: February 1

23. Harvard University Center for the Environment (HUCE) Environmental Fellows Program 2025 (up to $90,000)

Environmental Fellows Program 2025. The Harvard University Center for the Environment created the Environmental Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Harvard’s extraordinary resources to tackle complex environmental problems. The Environmental Fellows will work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department while also strengthening connections across the University’s academic disciplines.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 13

24. Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarship Pioneering Women in STEM 2025-2026. 

The SI Scholarship Pioneering Women in STEM is an academic scholarship provided for full-time, one- or two-year, master’s studies in designated programmes in Sweden.
Click here to apply | Deadline: January 15

25. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at CMU-Africa 2024/2025 

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program was established at CMU- Africa in 2016. The program provides generous financial, social, and academic support for students whose talent and promise exceed their financial resources.
Click here to apply | Deadline: December 15 / January 15

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