Deadline: October 10, 2024

Applications are open for the AXA Chairs Program 2025. The AXA Chair is a highly selective funding scheme for senior researchers intended to support significant advancements in the development of a research area within a host institution that is in line with its long-term strategy. It aims at creating a full-time academic position in the host institution and fostering a step change in the career of the appointed AXA Professor.

The AXA Research Fund supports academic projects that contribute to better understanding and addressing global risks, notably in the areas of:

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  • Climate and Environment
  • Health
  • Socioeconomics and New Technologies


  • Up to €200,000 per year for 5 years maximum.


  • Host institutions must be registered in the AXA Research Fund’s database. Host Institutions can submit only one candidate for the whole institution (and not one per department, faculty or laboratory).
  • The prospective Chairholder is expected to be at least PhD +10 years minimum, to be of the highest caliber and should have demonstrated outstanding research achievements.
  • The research program must demonstrate its scientific originality and innovative character, as well as be part of the three main research fields we support: health, climate, and new technologies and socioeconomics. 


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  • Step 1: Expression of interest – Submit through the online application platform: details about the candidate (birth date and PhD defence date), short CV (3 pages) and research programme’s title and description (3000 characters including spaces).
  • Step 2: Full application – Candidate will be invited to submit a full application through the online application platform. Application must be submitted in English by the deadline. Application received after the deadline won’t be eligible.
  • Step 3: Rebuttal – Candidates will have one week to respond to the reviewers’ comments before their application are submitted to the AXA Research Fund’s Scientific Board.
  • Step 4: Online Q&A session with the Scientific Board’s members – For shortlisted candidates only.

Click here to register

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For more information, visit AXA Chairs.

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